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Creative Approach Case Study
Everline Doors

Everline Doors manufactures doors and products for industrial facilities that provide the business with solutions that meets the needs of their facilities and the products they manufacture, as well as reducing costs and increasing efficiency. The projects included building their brand and developing the corporate image.
The Approach

Rather than developing the brand based only on product details, functionality, or technical information using product photos and product highlights, the approach taken to establish this new brand was to communicate how the products benefit the client's facilities and highlight information that provides the business owner with solutions to multiple needs, including cost reduction and efficiency.

The product features, benefits to the facility, efficiency, cost reduction, benefits, and needs met were developed to convey the created brand value, with that value then developed into differentiators that set this brand apart, with the brand value and differentiators then used in the development of the brand architecture, business image, the message and the writing.

In addition to incorporating the value and the differentiators, the brand's architecture was developed around the structuring of individual products, the product lines, and suite of products within the overall brand, tailored to type of facility, products the facility manufactures, and the benefits of the brand to the client's business though features offered solutions. Using this approach and the developed structure, the brand value and differentiators were applied in the writing, image, and presentation of the brand.
The Creative & Approach

The creative approach was developed from the brand's architecture and the brand value; The product features, problems solved, and solutions through products were created as part of the brand value and the differentiators that set the brand apart--developed as messaging, writing, design system, and company image. In the writing and presentation of products, the developed value and differentiators were applied to the benefits the product would provide to the client's facility, the products they manufacture, and cost-benefit information.

With the structure set, the identity system and the overall company image was designed, using stock photography instead of only product photos for the overall brand image, and stock photos relevant to the products and facilities. In addition to the logo, icons, graphic elements, typography and the color palette were developed as part of the brand development. Using a developed visual architecture that reflected the brand architecture, the overall brand image was applied to creative developed for each product, the product lines, and suite of products.
Organize & Differentiate

Carrying forward the look and feel set in the overall company image, additional icons, graphic elements, color schemes, and imagery were developed and applied to creative developed for each product, the product lines, and suite of products tailored to facility and industry, within a consistent layout scheme that anchored all creative. This approach ensured all creative was within brand and was strategically developed to organize and differentiate the products and lines while staying consistent to the overall brand and layout developed in the company image.

Following the structure set in the architecture, the messaging highlights the value and differentiators of the brand and products. The value-driven messaging was incorporated into the writing and following the structure, applied into each product, the product lines, and suite of products. Following that structuring, the writing highlights and emphasizes the benefits to client facility, the products they manufacture, and the benefits like efficiency and costs reduction.
“In creating the look for the overall company image, the photograph chosen best represents both the brand and the products, and was applied to all creative. A system for the usage of photography was developed, and following the brand and the product architecture, the photos and icons were applied to all layouts, ensuring consistent application in all layouts.”

Creative to Achieve a Goal

To show the wide range of the product applications and product uses, the layouts included product photos, photos of the facilities where the products would be used, type of facility, industries served, and the products manufactured in the client's facility. The icons and graphics elements represent and showcase product features, solutions, and the benefits to the client in both cost reduction, efficiency, and products manufactured, with elements of color strategically used in the icons that highlights the product features and conveys elements of the product construction. Creative development followed the brand and visual architecture and helped structure layouts for the overall brand, each product, the product lines, and product suites.

Layout was consistent throughout all creative, with photos, icons, graphics, and text used to differentiate between the overall brand creative and product creative. The brand's color palette was a simple two color plus white palette, with colors strategically added to the scheme to differentiate between brand and product creative, and to highlight product features.

The developed suite of creative was then applied to sales materials, product guides, advertising, and marketing materials for offline and online marketing efforts, and following the architecture, creative was developed by the overall brand, by each product, the lines, and suite of products. A brand style guide was developed to set guidelines for usage, future creative development, and the application of the brand in marketing and advertising, in print, online, and in social media. The message and writing was part of the brand style guide and defined the tone, style, language, and format used in all creative, and in all advertising and marketing.

Project Summary

To differentiate the brand from it's competitors in a heavily saturated and competitive industry, the brand's value and differentiators were applied to the each product, the product lines, and suite of products tailored to the client and client's industry., Using a developed architecture and structuring of the offerings. This approach was delivered through the creative, with elements of the creative applied through the structure to showcase the brand and the brand's value and differentiators.
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block case study everline doors branded layout design
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Project Notes
The approach to building a structure to the use of the images and icons in all creative was based on communicating the value and differentiators of the brand was incorporated into each product, reflected in the writing, which calls attention to these elements and uses the layout and graphic elements to highlight the value and differentiators. That though process was further executed in the structure of the products, tailored to client needs, their facilities, industries, and products manufactured.
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The projects included redeveloping their logo, building an identity system that incorporated their brands and insurance products, and most importantly creating differentiators, processes, and value proposition for the company, incorporating the the products, product brands and overall brand. asterisk navigationView Case Study

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Select Projects
The projects and work of Adam Garlinger, including logo design, business identity, and brand development for clients that include attorneys, insurance companies, networking, advisors, consultants, voice artists, and underwriters who are rebranding their corporation, building their business, and establishing a strong business presence. It's not only what we do, but how we do it. asterisk navigationview projects

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Recent Projects
The recent work and latest projects from Adam Garlinger, including building an online brand, carrying forward and applying and existing brand into a new brand, and building on the established value to generate revenue, in projects that include campaign development, building a brand and the development of a website under a brand umbrella. asterisk navigationview recent projects

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Featured Projects & Work
The featured projects and works of Adam Garlinger, with projects that include brand development, building a product offering, business ecosystem development, visual branding, campaign design, website development, creative process, and the brand evolution of a renamed business. asterisk navigationview the featured projects

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Located in New Jersey where Washington crossed the Delaware into New Jersey to win the war, Design Solutions Adam Garlinger is an advertising and design studio that helps clients differentiate their business from those they compete stand out, be seen, and be remembered. Delivering the first impression their business needs to accelerate the return on investment that is their business.

38 River Drive, Titusville New Jersey |

Design Solutions Adam Garlinger | 908.581.3393
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